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It's okay to be uncomfortable- You're growing! A Reflection from our Managing Director

After reflecting back on a crazy year, I realised that so much has changed, and we’ve all had to adapt in many ways. For some it was easy, but for the majority of us- it wasn’t.

It’s predicted that 2.2million people are set to lose their job by the end of the year. Maybe you’re reading this and you already have; you could know someone that has been made redundant or someone who has lost their entire business,. Maybe you’re just out of university and entering one of the most competitive job market’s the country has seen in years. A sense of fear and worry is taking over people as they consider what the future holds.

The problem people have is that they feel like they’re losing control. They had so many plans, directions and visions that all changed out of nowhere. But when this happened two types of people emerged. Some people shifted their focus; they didn’t allow that which they couldn’t control to hold them back. For others that’s all they’ve done- focussed on the uncontrollable world around them. Original

You choose your focus- you can always be in control.

I know it may feel very uncomfortable right now, but don’t allow a temporary season of uncertainty to dictate how you’re going to live your life.

This is all determined on how we react to situations. Do we play the victim, give up and buy into our excuses? Or do we just get on with it- search for the positives?

People always think the grass is greener on the other side, but that’s not true. The grass is green wherever you take care of it.

So many people ask why I put so much time and effort into my career and self-development. “This is a time for relaxing, not much is happening”

But I’m often left confused, this is the perfect time to get ahead, try new things and push comfort zones. For once we can’t get distracted on the weekend by going to nightclubs, heading out to restaurants in the evenings or meeting our friends and family every week. There’s never been a bigger opportunity to focus on our next move. Set your career up, try something new, get creative, create that business plan or invest time in self-development.

All these feelings and worries are a positive thing. It means we’re pushing ourselves outside our comfort zone, it means we’re growing and inevitably we will get better.

Everything we do right now, defines where we will be in the next couple of years.

Remember, life will always have obstacles, but this will pass just like all of the others. What you choose to do now will impact the rest of your life. Challenge yourself to take this time to focus on YOU.

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